“I think people forget that it doesn’t take a big donation to help someone, just a lot of little donations.”
~ Hannah Teter
We believe in doing what we can to support those around us who make a difference in this world or can do with a helping hand. We are here today because others did the same for us. We hope our list inspires you to help others, whether it is a prayer, a kind word, or a donation. If you are looking for great people and projects to support, we hope this list acquaints you with opportunities worthy of your generosity.
Take Action Crowdfund
- The Take Action Crowdfund was launched in May 2020 to encourage our subscribers and audience to directly support lobbying, litigation, and legislative efforts to prevent encroachment on our financial and health freedoms and to support related independent media. For those who prefer not to support these groups directly, we offered to collect contributions and allocate them to the recipients along with our contributions.
- Visit the Take Action Crowdfund home page, where you can either make a donation that Solari will distribute for you, or you can directly access the organizations’ donation sites.
Solari Donations
In addition to what we give through the Take Action Crowdfund, we regularly make donations to causes we learn about from our subscribers and allies. We also make recurring donations.
The following is our list of recipients during this quarter. Thank you for your support of these —you are making a major difference.
1st Quarter: Take Action Crowdfund
Total amount of donations received: $7,218
Total donations disbursed: $7,050
- BigPicture.WATCH: $250
- Carnicom Institute: $200
- Celia Farber: $1,000
- Children’s Health Defense Africa: $1,000
- Health Freedom Defense Fund: $500
- James Roguski: $500
- Jon Rappoport: $500
- OVALmedia: $2,000
- Ross Ulbricht Legal Defense: $100
- Whitney Webb: $500
- Zelenko Freedom Foundation: $500
1st Quarter: Non-recurring Solari Donations
- Ashari Hughes
- Dennis Kucinich
- Doug Hamel Stroke Recovery Campaign
- Matyas Family Fire/Seeds for Generations
- Nicholas Gonzales Foundation
- OVALmedia
Recurring Solari Donations
Solari is also signed up for regular donations to support people we think are doing great work.
- 7th Chakra Films
- Bailiwick News (Katherine Watt)
- Christ Our Hope Church
- Contra Corner (David Stockman)
- Corbett Report
- Corey’s Digs
- Cory Morningstar
- Craig Murray
- Deep South Homestead
- Dr. Mercola’s Censored Library
- Due Diligence and Art (Sasha Latypova)
- Foundation for Future Science (Passion for Making a Difference)
- General Assembly Church
- Growing Power
- Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN)
- Institute for Responsible Technology
- Jacob Nordangård
- Meryl Nass
- Mike Nayna
- My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult
- News from Underground (Mark Crispin Miller)
- Of Two Minds (Charles Hugh Smith)
- OTEPIC Kenya Peace Project
- Popular Rationalism (James Lyons-Weiler)
- Racket News (Matt Taibbi)
- Really Graceful
- Rounding the Earth Newsletter (Mathew Crawford)
- Sibel Edmonds
- Student Loan Justice
- Targeted Justice Newsletter
- Technocracy News & Trends
- The Quickening Report (Patrick Wood)
- The Saker: The Vineyard of the Saker
- The Truth Barrier (Celia Farber)
- The Truth Fairy (Abigail Shrier)
- Trish Wood is Critical (Trish Wood)
- Truthstream Media (Aaron and Melissa Dykes)
- Urban Homestead
- Vaccine Exemptions in the United States: Alan Phillips, JD
- Wikipedia