“I think people forget that it doesn’t take a big donation to help someone, just a lot of little donations.”

~ Hannah Teter

We believe in doing what we can to support those around us who make a difference in this world or can do with a helping hand. We are here today because others did the same for us. We hope our list inspires you to help others, whether it is a prayer, a kind word, or a donation. If you are looking for great people and projects to support, we hope this list acquaints you with opportunities worthy of your generosity.

Take Action Crowdfund

Solari Donations

In addition to what we give through the Take Action Crowdfund, we regularly make donations to causes we learn about from our subscribers and allies. We also make recurring donations.

The following is our list of recipients during this quarter. Thank you for your support of these —you are making a major difference.

1st Quarter: Take Action Crowdfund

Total amount of donations received: $7,218

Total donations disbursed: $7,050

  • BigPicture.WATCH: $250
  • Carnicom Institute: $200
  • Celia Farber: $1,000
  • Children’s Health Defense Africa: $1,000
  • Health Freedom Defense Fund: $500
  • James Roguski: $500
  • Jon Rappoport: $500
  • OVALmedia: $2,000
  • Ross Ulbricht Legal Defense: $100
  • Whitney Webb: $500
  • Zelenko Freedom Foundation: $500

1st Quarter: Non-recurring Solari Donations

Recurring Solari Donations

Solari is also signed up for regular donations to support people we think are doing great work.