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II. Navigation Tools
“There is official reality. Then there is reality. The official reality is for cocktail parties. Reality is for investment of your time and money and risk management. Your map needs actionable intelligence on both.” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts
To understand the territory that you are in, you need a reliable map and tools to navigate. To build and maintain a reliable map, you need to know the difference between news, propaganda, disinformation, entertainment, and actionable intelligence. With discernment, you can find the intelligence you need for your personal strategic and financial planning.
After protecting your mind against undue influence and manipulation, one of the most important things you can do is learn about how the money and the power works around you.
Wisdom is woven throughout the universe. You can choose to access the divine intelligence and use your intuition and powers of rational thought instead of being controlled by machines and digital systems and the intentions they channel such as hypermaterialism.
The world suffers from a multiple personality disorder. You do not – instead you understand it and navigate it to serve your purpose.
Actions and Resources:
- Why Do Demons Hate Gregorian Chants And Flee When They Are Sung Or Played?
- The Science of Spirituality: Ulrike Granögger
- 9 Things I Learned From My 2 Year Old Baby Girl
- 2030 Backcasting with Catherine and Solari Series Hosts and Allies

Unanswered Questions:
Question #5: Divine Intelligence Do the injections interfere with our relationship with God and the divine intelligence? What has been the feedback from both experience and observation? What can we do to help people who have been harmed physically and spiritually to restore their relationship with the divine?
Question #6: Targeting and Protection Are the depopulation (sterilization, euthanasia, poisoning) efforts focused on Christians or other religious groups? Does this explain the real targeting of communities with a high percentage of Christians? Does this explain the effort to shut down and bankrupt churches or get them financially dependent on government? How do we use prayer and spiritual tools to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities from sterilization, euthanasia, and poisoning?
Question #7: God’s Code What are the long-term spiritual implications and dangers of mRNA technology? Will the human species be eliminated? Will genes be centrally controlled through CRISPR technology?