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III. Risk Management
“The Object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” ~ Marcus Aurelius
In a high-friction environment, risk management is the most important investment for building personal and family wealth. It’s absolutely imperative that you not get harvested. There is no point in making millions of dollars in your career and in your investment portfolio if you are just going to let it “flow out the back door” as a result of falling prey to poor management and habits, financial or health frauds, and other forms of organized crime, war, and mass atrocity.
Control and freedom happen one person at a time. Powered by AI, software, and telecommunications systems that we fund and the financial incentives that we navigate, the control grid operates throughout our lives and intimate spaces. Backing out requires that we make sound choices about the choices and risks created by the control grid as well as life in a period defined by change and uncertainty.
Actions and Resources:
- Stop the Global Agenda
- So the Mothers of Flint have gotten in touch with the newly formed Mothers of East Palestine
- Notice of War Crimes To Health Care Providers and Health Insurance Providers
- Is Switzerland About To Become First Country To Outlaw A Cashless Society?
- A Pushback Strategy
- Nullification – #SolutionsWatch

Unanswered Questions:
Question #8: Technocracy, Transhumanism, and Reengineering the New Man Are we watching a process of removing the existing species and replacing it with a new species whose genetic makeup and upbringing are centrally controlled?
Question #9: Vaccine Passports How do we stop the vaccine passports or digital IDs and other health care controls designed to help build the financial transaction control grid? What can we do?
Question #10: Invisible Weaponry and Technology How important are invisible and secret weaponry and technology to the replacement of global currency systems with centralized digital control? How are invisible technologies being used to engineer civil wars, turn people against each other, and engage in disaster capitalism? How do they relate to 190+ government leaders implementing centralizing policies?
Question #11: AI and Machine Enforcement When are robotics and automation going to go up the S curve? Will the “defund the police” movement turn out to be an install robot and drone police wave?
AI Adoption in Organizations Artificial intelligence (AI) adoption worldwide 2021 | Human Resources | Manufacturing | Marketing & Sales | Product Service Development | Risk | Service Operation |
All Industries | 9% | 12% | 20% | 23% | 13% | 25% |
Automotive & Assembly | 11% | 26% | 20% | 15% | 4% | 18% |
Business, Legal, and Professional Services | 14% | 8% | 28% | 15% | 13% | 26% |
Consumer Goods/Retail | 2% | 18% | 22% | 17% | 1% | 15% |
Financial Services | 10% | 4% | 24% | 20% | 32% | 40% |
Healthcare/Pharma | 9% | 11% | 14% | 29% | 13% | 17% |
High tech/Telecom | 12% | 11% | 28% | 45% | 16% | 34% |
Question #12: High-tech Risks: What are the extreme risks generated by new technology: mRNA gene therapy, high-tech fires, the push for immortality, DNA editing, 5G+ mind control and assassinations, and the interbreeding of humans with other species? What else? What should we do to learn more about weather warfare, interdimensionality, time travel, and geophysical risks? Could we get an Operation Blue Beam in 2023? Do we have the capacity to create our own telepathic portals for global “travel”?
Question #13: Mind Control How do we protect ourselves, our families, and our communities from mind control and propaganda? How do we teach our children to see reality clearly while navigating day-to-day communication with populations that are mind-controlled?
Question #14: It Just Keeps Getting Stranger Which is stranger—what is going on behind the veil of secrecy, or the overwhelming effort to pretend it is not going on and to create an official reality diverging steadily from reality? Given the tsunami of occult and demonic practices and symbols, how concerned should we be about the interaction between AI and interdimensional intelligence? Is Earth an open or closed society? Is the breakaway civilization breaking back in? Or we becoming part of an intergalactic legal and financial structure? Why is Mr. Global committed to transitioning to a human slavery system? Is Mr. Global preparing against a hostile or friendly invasion? Or serious geophysical risks?
Question #15: Anglosphere Down Under and Fortress Australia Why have the Australian and New Zealand lockdowns been so brutal? What does it have to do with Pine Gap and Antarctica? What is the meaning of AUKUS?
Question #16: Offshore Havens Has Brexit succeeded in protecting the Anglo-American offshore havens from the Germans/ECB? Are assets now being moved to the suborbital platform or space? What about using the Ukraine War as an opportunity to invest in the Silk Road and the rise of the land empire?
Question #17: Turf Wars Is Covid-19 designed to create so many jurisdictional turf and civil wars that it will help facilitate the introduction of global government? Or will it lead to greater decentralization?
Question #18: Global Cop in a Multipolar World How far might other countries’ conquests go once it becomes clear the U.S. will no longer play global cop? What is the role of an expanding NATO?
Question #19: U.S. Military Mandates: Is the U.S. command structure attempting to destroy the U.S. military?
Question #20: China, the Quad, Space, and the Risks of War Will China invade Taiwan? Will the U.S. and China separate the Internet and financial markets? Are China and the U.S. pitted in a win-lose position in the orbital platform and space race? What about Russia? What is the emergence of the Quad?
Question #21: Cui Bono Afghanistan? Why do the old media keep trying to sell the story that the U.S. Army and military (annual overt budget of $750 billion) is repeatedly beaten by “men in sandals”?
Question #22: Non-State Actors To what extent are we dealing with multiple non-state actors controlling nuclear bombs and invisible weaponry? Will the principles established by the Treaty of Westphalia regarding sovereign monopoly on force completely disintegrate?
Question #23: Ukraine If the U.S. does not want a cease-fire, where will reinforcements for the Ukraine Army come from?
Question #24: EU and U.S. Immigration Crises Who’s doing this, and what is the goal?
Question #25: The Great Poisoning Why is there a great poisoning underway in multiple areas? Why is there an ongoing global program to increase the levels of aluminum, other heavy metals, and nanoparticles or nanotechnology in humans? Is the push for Neuralink because humans will be more intelligent accessing AI and easier to control and integrate with robots, or because the elites want and need access to uniquely human intelligence and consciousness?
Question #26: Science What will be the long-term impact of the corruption and destruction of scientific research and academic infrastructure?
Question #27: Covid-19 and mRNA Are Covid-19 and mRNA part of a planned genocide, or a series of planned experiments, and why? To what extent are the Covid-19 injections about installing a smart-grid-compatible operating system into our bodies for the Going Direct Reset and related surveillance, mind control, and travel control, versus depopulation through lowering life expectancies or controlled fertility or infertility? If biotech companies own the patent on modified DNA resulting from an injection, will they then own us and/or our children, and will we be legally subject to GMO travel boundaries? How many different formulas have been distributed? What are the possibilities in terms of unidentified and mysterious ingredients? What are the purposes of this material as well as the combination of blood clots, toxicity, and immunosuppression that we know and indications of sterility? Is this a “binary poison”?
- Reportedly, government databases are tracking every person who has been vaccinated, their vaccination dates, and vial numbers—more confirmation of the hypothesis that a mass experiment is underway that is testing different formulas.
- With the launch of a lucrative mRNA gene therapy pipeline, we are witnessing the next chapter of a tried-and-true business model: administer Covid injections to cause immunosuppression; offer new mRNA injections to address those symptoms; and “around and around we go.”
Question #28: CBDCs: How do we stop them?
Question #29: Anglosphere Is the City of London using their offshore havens (likely holding some or all of the $21 trillion) and command of the Eurodollar market to return to a duopoly position with the U.S. for the reserve currency? Is the Commonwealth command of the food trade a critical component of a UK resurgence, with Ukraine unable to plant? Is this why the Australian and New Zealand lockdowns have been so brutal? What does it have to do with Pine Gap and Antarctica? What is the meaning of AUKUS?
Question #30: The Epstein Drama Why did Epstein and Madoff fund so much brain research? And what does it have to do with FASAB 56 and the missing money? What has Whitney Webb’s new book on Epstein contributed to our thinking on Epstein’s involvement with the $21 trillion in money missing from DOD and HUD?
Question #31: Missing Money Where did Mr. Global invest the $21 trillion (DOD and HUD), the $24+ trillion (bailouts), now up to $96 trillion adjustments and QE, and where is Going Direct central bank and fiscal stimulus going? How important was the BIS for laundering or parking resources? How important were Afghanistan and the Middle East army operations to laundering the missing money after 9/11 and then the financial crisis? How important was Ukraine for laundering money and organized crime operations? Is Covid-19 engineering deflation to help manage inflation from monetary policy? How?
Question #32: FASAB 56 How important is FASAB 56 to what is happening? How important is the increased secrecy for the central bank members and shareholders and other major investors? How does this relate to the recent updates on the Missing Money? How does it relate to the cash pouring into SPACs, private equity firms, and on into land and real estate? How does it relate to the end of government sovereignty and the shift to a corporate model?
Question #33: BIS and Sovereign Immunities How have the BIS and the sovereign immunities that the BIS and related international institutions enjoy contributed to the global coup?
- Missing Money
- Caveat Emptor: Why Investors Need to Do Due Diligence on U.S. Treasury and Related Securities
- FASAB Statement 56: Understanding New Government Financial Accounting Loopholes
Question #34: Reengineering of U.S. Government and Global Taxation and Military How will the U.S. government and central bank be engineered now that the new DOD contracts are in place? How does the debasement of the U.S. brand fit in?
Question #35: Mr. Global Who is Mr. Global? What is the secret governance structure on Planet Earth, and what are the risk issues that are driving Mr. Global’s actions? If the global economy and financial system produce a dividend, where is it going? Is Planet Earth a REIT? Which is stranger—what is going on behind the veil of secrecy, or the overwhelming effort to pretend it is not going on and to create an official reality diverging steadily from reality? Why do rumors persist that various leaders and their spouses are secretly homosexual or transgendered? Given the tsunami of occult and demonic practices and symbols, how concerned should we be about the interaction between AI and interdimensional intelligence? Is Earth an open or closed society? Is the breakaway civilization breaking back in? Or we becoming part of an intergalactic legal and financial structure? Why is Mr. Global committed to transitioning to a human slavery system? Is Mr. Global preparing against a hostile or friendly invasion? Or serious geophysical risks?