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IV. Living Equity
“Culture is the integration of the divine in everyday life.” ~ John Edward Hurley
All wealth comes from life. Living equity is the wealth we grow in ourselves and those we love. It starts with raising and educating healthy children in strong families and in caring tribes and communities. It depends on excellence in habit and culture. It calls for a strong learning metabolism, the development of practical skills, as well as care for the animals, plants, and environment on our beautiful planet.
Everything is connected through electromagnetic fields of energy. Although the accompanying financial returns are not always directly obvious, we believe that the people around you, your health and education, and philanthropy are phenomenal places to invest your time and resources.
Circle up with people of high integrity; invest in your “people bank”; find your tribe and preserve a high culture.
Actions and Resources:
- Solution Series: Off-Grid Living with Rich Scheben
- No Dig Urban Garden
- Farmers Built Their Own Slaughterhouse

Unanswered Questions
Question #36: Sun Cycles and Geophysical Risks What is happening to the sun? Are we entering into a period of diminished sun spot activity? What would that mean for our weather and economy? Are we experiencing a new cooling cycle and at risk of a new ice age? Why is Gates talking about blotting out the sun? Is the risk of a coronal mass ejection (CME) real? Does Earth have a “Three-Body Problem”? Why is there a pattern of civilization destruction 10,000 years ago? As the planet enters a cooling cycle, it looks like Mr. Global is unwilling to share what he knows about geophysical risks with the general public. Is Mr. Global “playing around” with stellar physics to show someone “out there” what we can do?
Question #37: The Climate Change Op Can the Covid-19 to Climate Change bait and switch really work? How will this dovetail with the changes in global taxes and the push to control real estate and land? Why have they chosen carbon for the control unit? When will the general public begin to realize the dangers of all retail transactions being on an electrical control grid? When will the energy cost of crypto and blockchain systems as well as F-35 and military activities become widely appreciated?
Question #38: Blocking the Sun What could go wrong? Why do they need to block out the sun?
Question #39: The Moon What is the moon? Do we have a colony on the moon or Mars? What is the U.S. doing about the International Space Station?
Question #40: Land and Real Estate What will happen to land and real estate as a result of changes underway? What about the existing energy model? Will energy delivered by wireless technology at low cost be implemented soon? What do the purchases of whole neighborhoods and single family residential developments signal? Are there any jurisdictions that will respect personal assets and property rights?
Question #41: Old Media Why does anyone watch it? What does it take to realize your TV has been weaponized and throw it out?
Question #42: Scarcity and Quality Control What can you and I do this year to prevent central control and debasement of the global and our local seed and food intelligence and supply?
Question #43: Corporate food Is it safe to eat corporate food? What are the dangers of a serious breakdown in quality control? What are the dangers of nanoparticles and other secret ingredients? What is Pharma Food? Could Soylent Green come true?
Question #44: Air Travel Is air travel safe? What is the status of remote control, pilot heart attacks, 5G concerns, software control, and low-grade biowarfare?
Question #45: Cars and Trucks How fast will the adaption of autonomous cars and trucks be? Should we be concerned about reports of increasing traffic fatalities?
Question #46: Education How do we use financial audits and investigations to shift the balance of power to assert control of local education policies and funding as well as ensure that our tax dollars are no longer wasted on poisoning or dumbing down our children?
Question #47: Deprogramming How do we help the people tricked and then harmed by the lies of Covid-19 to forgive themselves and move forward in a positive manner?