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VI. Turtle Forth
“Begin anywhere.” ~ John Cage
Turtling forth is about never quitting. It is about moving forward steadily, about taking action and never stopping. Whenever the friction of war and the challenges of a life worth living get difficult, simply refuse to quit.
2030 Backcasting with Catherine and Solari Series Hosts and Allies

Support Great Leadership
Solari Hero of the Week Series
- March 27, 2023: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
- March 20, 2023: Franciscan University of Steubenville – Unplugged Scholarship
- March 13, 2023: Tim Buckley
- March 6, 2023: Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg
- February 27, 2023: Martin Hurkens
- February 20, 2023: Ross and Lyn Ulbricht
- February 13, 2023: Novak Djokovic
- February 6, 2023: Local Farmers in East Tyrol
- January 30, 2023: Royal Raymond Rife
- January 23, 2023: American Farmers
- January 16, 2023: Katherine Watt
- January 9, 2023: Pelé (Edson Arantes do Nascimento, 1940-2022)
- January 2, 2023: Pathologist Dr. Michael Mörz, MD

“Why have more assets, if you don’t have an army to protect them?” ~ Catherine Austin Fitts
New Media Links Page: Current list of new media
