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Table of Contents
- The People’s War for Financial Transaction Freedom
- The U.S. States Move to Build Sovereignty: Banks, Bullion Depositories, Nullification, Legal Tender, and More
- Narrative Breakdown: Safe and Effective, Jan. 6, Climate Change, and Immigration
- Financial Coup: Central Bankers Build the Financial Transaction Control Grid
- The Breakaway Civilization: BIS, New York Fed, and Sovereign Immunities
- Mass Atrocity: The Great Poisoning Accelerates
- Putin-19: The Biodefense Pandemic Planning and Investment Tsunami
- Department of Defense: The War on Us (mRNA+) and Our Pocketbooks ($21 Trillion)
- The WHO Coup
- Russia, China, India, and the Multipolar World
- AI: The Smart Grid Invades Everything and Everyone
- The Petrodollar Loses Its Petro
- Digital TV and Smartphones: The Most Successful Weapons of Our Day
- Operation Smother: Trying to White Out Real Solutions
- Inflation, Shadow Work, and the Great Unraveling
- Is Breakthrough Energy on the Way?
- Media Corruption: The Twitter Files
- Weird Weather: Snow, Floods, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, and Cyclones
- Growth of the Space-Based Economy
- Glorious Pushback Rising
1. The People’s War for Financial Transaction Freedom

Cash Everyday:

- Cashless system not going well for besieged Cairns council
- Norway Strengthens the Right to Pay Cash
- Is Switzerland About to Become First Country to Outlaw a Cashless Society?
- Cash becomes more popular in Switzerland again
- RBNZ and cash industry supporting cash services in regions affected by Cyclone Gabrielle
- Hillary Clinton: It’s Time to Ban Cash to Fight Climate Change
- The War on Cash is Here
- I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do?
Template Letters:
- Template Letter to Insurance Broker Re: Effect of All-Cause Mortality Increase on Insurance Company Credit
- Template Letter to Bank Re: Effect of CBDCs on My Financial Health
- Catherine’s Letters to Her State and Federal Representatives: Withdraw from WHO

2. The U.S. States Move to Build Sovereignty: Banks, Bullion Depositories, Nullification, Legal Tender, and More
- Horowitz: South Dakota and other red states are about to ban Bitcoin as legal money and grease the skids for CBDC
- SB 100 Creates and modifies provisions relating to gold and silver
- Restore Tennessee Sovereignty with Nullification Bills HB 726 & SB 1092
- TN Nullification Bill
- The Declaration of North America Feeds the Globalists NWO to End US Sovereignty
- States Can Break Through Pharma’s Liability Shield
- Illinois Sheriffs Say They Won’t Enforce Ban On “Assault Weapons”
- Amazon to close all Amazon Go stores in San Francisco

- Why a Sovereign State Bank Is Good for Tennessee by Richard A. Werner
- Special Solari Report: Free in Tennessee: Kicking Tyranny to the Curb
- From The Moneychanger: Senator Frank Niceley – Restoring Freedom in Tennessee
- Food Series: Champion of the Small Farmer with Senator Frank Niceley
- Nullification – #SolutionsWatch
- Solari Food Series
3. Narrative Breakdown: Safe and Effective, Jan. 6, Climate Change, and Immigration
Safe and Effective:

- 1.Twitter Files #19 The Great Covid-19 Lie Machine Stanford, the Virality Project, and the Censorship of “True Stories”
- Sasha Latypova …Unprecedented …Details Of How The Government and Military Commandeered … Kennedy Jr.
- Dr. Redfield’s Bombshell Testimony
- Why Is the Associated Press Lying About Gene Therapy Shots?
Jan 6:
- “They Lied To Us All”: Tucker Exposes January 6 Fraud And Kangaroo-Court Cover-Up
- Breaking: McCarthy defends Tucker release of J6 tapes, slams CNN
- The Parliamentary Motive Behind the J6 Fedsurrection
- Top Democrat On J6 Committee: We Actually Didn’t Review Any Of The Surveillance Video
- Proud Boys J6 Sedition Trial Halted After Leaked Chat Logs Show FBI Agent Said Her Boss Ordered Her to ‘Destroy Evidence’
Climate Change:
- Vanguard CEO Abandons ESG Investing Alliance: “Not In The Game Of Politics”
- Kennedy questions Litterman, Holtz-Eakin on climate in Budget
- ‘Watch: Bill Gates Says It”s Ok For Him To Use Private Jets Because He”s “The Solution” To Climate Change‘
4. Financial Coup: Central Bankers Build the Financial Transaction Control Grid
Going Direct Reset:
Debt Growth Spiral:

- Visualizing $65 Trillion in Hidden Dollar Debt
- US Federal deficit as a % of GDP v. inverted US unemployment rate … Treasury borrowing projection
- Explaining fluctuations in the Thrift Savings Fund daily balance at U.S. treasury
- U.S. Treasury Cash-on-Hand Drops Below $200 Billion – Debt Ceiling!

- US Treasury 2-Year Yield Rises to 4.80%, Highest Since 2007
- Jeff Gundlach Live Webcast: “What’s Going On?”
Bank Take Downs:
- Short Sellers Make $500 Million on SVB’s Demise. Collecting Won’t Be Easy
- First Republic Bank falls nearly 70%, trading halted after collapse of SVB, Signature
- Silicon Valley Bank Was a Wall Street IPO Pipeline in Drag as a Federally-Insured Bank FHLB …Was Quietly Bailing It Out
- SVB, Signature Bank Depositors to Get All Their Money as Fed Moves to Stem Crisis
- SVB Financial Working With Centerview, Sullivan & Cromwell: WSJ
- KPMG Gave SVB, Signature Bank Clean Bill of Health Weeks Before Collapse
- Swiss Central Bank Steps in to Backstop Credit Suisse Amid Financial Collapse – The Larger Geopolitical Dynamic Is Clear
- HSBC rescues British arm of stricken Silicon Valley Bank
CBDC Wars:
- Atlantic Council CBDC Tracker
- Atlantic Council: Privacy in Cross-border Digital Currency, A Transatlantic Approach
The End of Cheap Money: A Farewell to Bubbles
- Net Percentage of Domestic Banks Tightening Standards for Credit Card Loans
- US Federal deficit as a % of GDP v. inverted US unemployment rate …Treasury projection
- ECB Defies Mounting Banking Strains With Half-Point Rate Rise
- California tax revenue in January was down 42% compared to last year
Fed Declares War on Fed’s Own Inflation:

Why is the Fed Triggering a Banking Crisis?
- And still the people didn’t see!! If anyone knows who this man is please tag him below. He’s spot on
Template Letter to Bank Re: Effect of CBDCs on My Financial Health
5. The Breakaway Civilization: BIS, New York Fed, and Sovereign Immunities

- BIS Innovation Hubs
- 1st Quarter 2022 Wrap Up: – Introduction – Does the BIS Owe Us $21 Trillion (Or Owe You $65,000)?
- Hundreds of global organizations operate outside the law!
- Funding the Control Grid Part 1: The Biomedical Framework
- Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework Part 2 – A Powerhouse of Ruin
- Funding the Control Grid Part 3: The Food Framework
- Book Review: Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World by Adam Lebor
6. Mass Atrocity: The Great Poisoning Accelerates
Biodefense and Pharma:
- Covid-19 – Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?
- Global Class War and the Politics of a Hatchet Job: A Reply to John Waters
- Must Watch: Bill Gates Admits COVID Vaccines Don’t Work
- Sasha Latypova Interview – How Pfizer & The Department Of Defense Defrauded The Public
- Sir Jeremy Farrar helped Fauci cover up the origin of COVID, …overdosed 2600 patients…heads to WHO for world takeover
- Book Review: “Cause Unknown”: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022 by Edward Dowd
- Age-stratified COVID-19 vaccine-dose fatality rate for Israel and Australia

War in the Ukraine and the Expansion of NATO:
- NATO becomes a coalition of the willing
- The defeat of Ukraine is becoming clearer
- How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
- The Cover-up
- A secret reason for Ukraine war funding?
- Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But “Ukrainians Doing The Fighting”
- NBC Reporter Goes To Crimea, Shocks Viewers By Telling The Truth
- Massive Russian offensives are annihilating Ukraine
Pharma Food and Mysterious Ingredients:
- GMO bacteria: “uncontrolled, global experiment” | Interview GMO-expert Jeffrey Smith
- Fake Meat Has a Real Problem
- Insects as food in the Netherlands: Production networks and the geographies of edibility
Global Spraying:
The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )
7. Putin-19: The Biodefense Pandemic Planning and Investment Tsunami

- Executive Order Advances Biotech-Transhumanist Agenda
- American Domestic Bioterrorism Program
- The Waiting-for-Pandemic Cult of Biodefense
- White House Taps Vaccine Leader in Pandemic Preparedness Push
- Did US Build Bioweapons in Ukraine?
- Newest draft of the Pandemic Treaty, a.k.a. “W.H.O. convention, agreement … on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response”
- Nass: The myth of pandemic preparedness: My testimony to the House Committee…
8. Department of Defense: The War on Us (mRNA+) and Our Pocketbooks ($21 Trillion)

And their Contractors:
- Sasha Latypova – COVID-19 Countermeasures: Evidence of the Intent to Harm
- Deliberate Deployment of Bio-Chemical Agents Is Now Ok to Call “Lab Leak” on Social Media
- Contracting for facilitation of crimes: contract killing and biomunitions hitmen.
- Pathologist Dr. Arne Burkhardt: Autopsies Show the mRNA Vaccine Shreds People From Within!
- Visualizing $65 Trillion in Hidden Dollar Debt
9. The WHO Coup
W. H. O. Geneva headquarters, 6 regional offices, 150 country offices and other offices around the world:

- Truth Bomb
- 50 Really Bad Amendments
- A World-Wide Call to Take Immediate and Massive Action
- WHO Proposals Could Strip Nations of Their Sovereignty, Create Worldwide Totalitarian State, Expert Warns
- Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson Reignites Effort to Protect America’s Sovereignty Against WHO’s Pandemic Treaty
- End of American Sovereignty: Biden Regime Negotiates “Legally Binding” Deal … No Senate Approval Needed
- Sir Jeremy Farrar helped Fauci cover up the origin of COVID, … overdosed 2600 patients…heads to WHO for world takeover

Template Letter to Congressional Representative Re: Proposed World Health Organization (WHO) Treaty
10. Russia, China, India, and the Multipolar World

- U.S., Allies Issue Fresh Sanctions Against Russia
- Putin Suspends Nuclear-Arms Treaty Between Russia, U.S.
- Syrian earthquake and Western exploitation of tragedy
- How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline
- Earthquake in Turkey damages natural gas pipeline
- How Beijing Boxed America Out of the South China Sea
- As SVB goes down, Israeli startups suffer too
- Saudi’s SNB to hold Credit Suisse stake for at least two years, chairman says
- Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Will Deal A Deathblow To The Dollar
- Saudi Arabia, Iran Restore Relations in Deal Brokered by China
- Saudi Arabia Says Open to Settling Trade in Other Currencies
- Turkey to hold NATO bid talks with Sweden, Finland in March
- Private equity deals in Asia plunged 44% in 2022. More uncertainty may be ahead
BRICS Continue to Move Toward Currency Alternatives:
- G-20 Summit Politics Asia Pacific Meeting in India ends without consensus on Ukraine war
- Iran, Russia Integrate Banking Systems To Bypass Sanctions
- Saudi Arabia, Iran Restore Relations in Deal Brokered by China
- Vanguard Said to Shutter Business in China, Exit Ant Venture

11. AI: The Smart Grid Invades Everything and Everyone

The Human Energy Body:
- The Economy of the Energy Body with Ulrike Granögger
- University Team Creates Cheap Way to Use Human Body and 6G “to power wearable devices and possibly larger electronics …”
- U.S. regulators rejected Elon Musk’s bid to test brain chips in humans, citing safety risks
- Imagine a world without smartphones
- Worldwide Testimonies About Smart Meters
- Electronic health care records: tracking you from birth to death
- Universal Digital Payment Network Unveiled at DAVOS
- UK’s National Health Service will roll existing Palantir work into patient data platform
12. The Petrodollar Loses Its Petro

- Iran-Saudi Rapprochement Will Deal A Deathblow To The Dollar
- Saudi Arabia Says Open to Settling Trade in Other Currencies
13. Digital TV and Smartphones: The Most Successful Weapons of Our Day

14. Operation Smother: Trying to White Out Real Solutions

- Witness Forced to Walk Back Accusations That Led Maine Medical Board to Suspend Dr. Meryl Nass’ License
- The Journalist They Couldn’t Silence acTVism Munich 105K subscribers
- Is There a Media Blackout on Power Plant Attacks
- The Virality Project: the deep censorship network packaged as “academic research” …
- FAA system restored after outage that halted all domestic flight departures in the U.S.
- Dark Journalist X COG Emergency Powers UFO File Blackouts & Indictments!

15. Inflation, Shadow Work, and the Great Unraveling
Chapwood Inflation Index Top Ten cities in United States 2022

- Sen. John Kennedy: “You’re trying to put people out of work. That’s your job, is it not?”
- Warnings over Bristol harbour fee hikes which could ‘make boat dwellers homeless’
- ECB Defies Mounting Banking Strains With Half-Point Rate Rise
- French pension reforms potentially explosive
16. Is Breakthrough Energy on the Way?

- Radical NASA Propulsion Concept Could Reach Interstellar Space in Under 5 Years
- The Science Behind Cold Fusion
- NASA Claims Cold Fusion Without Naming It
- US Officials Announce Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough
17. Media Corruption: The Twitter Files

- Breaking: Landmark Lawsuit Slaps Legacy Media With Antitrust, First Amendment Claims for Censoring COVID-Related Content
- Legal Update — Secret Media Cartel With Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. +
Mind Control Tactics Used on Young People and Children (and Everyone Else)
18. Weird Weather: Snow, Floods, Earthquakes, Tornadoes, and Cyclones

- Dig It! #177: Alert: Rainfall Tech Hitting NYSE + Key News
- WeatherTec Ag Fact Sheet Factsheet Rainfall Enhancement Providing Water and Food
- Controlling the weather?
- Death Toll From Storm in Buffalo, N.Y., Region Rises to at Least 27
- Significant storm damage across Santa Cruz Co., cleanup underway with more rain ahead
- Earthquake in Turkey damages natural gas pipeline
- Turkey; Withstanding a Modern-day 5th Generation and Silent War
- ‘Worst case scenario’: Shocking images of flooding in Pajaro after levee bursts
- More heavy rain expected for New Zealand’s flood-ravaged Auckland
19. Growth of the Space-Based Economy

- The NASA Budget’s Biggest Profiteers
- Farming on the Moon
- Scientists’ alien ‘concern’ after finding space object sending signals to Earth
- State of Colorado Transfers Land to Schriever Space Force Base in Support of Key National Security Missions
- SpaceX To Raise $750 Million In Its Latest Round Of Funding
- The Day the Solar Wind Disappeared
20. Glorious Pushback Rising

- Smashing the Overton window.
- This Week Dr. T with Dr. Paul Alexander
- Please Listen To This Very, Very Carefully) Extract Glastonbury Town Council Meeting, 14 March 2023
- Cashless system not going well for besieged Cairns council
- Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Part 1): The Dark Secrets of the Childhood Immunization Schedule and the Vaccine Approval Process
- Gov. Kristi Noem: This is a threat to our freedom
- How Baton Rouge Activists Won A Rare Civil Rights Settlement
- Court Blocks COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for US Gov’t Workers
- Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi – Standing Ovation in Kiel, Germany