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I. The Going Direct Global Reset
A. Central Banks Extend the Dollar System; Build a Global CBDC System
- Bank for International Settlements (BIS) & Global Innovation Hubs
- Fed and Dollar; Partnership with BIS; Boston Fed Partnership with MIT on central bank digital currency (CBDC)
- ECB and Euro
- Sovereign Immunity for Central Banks and Global Institutions
- Private Players: BlackRock, New York Fed Member Banks, Vanguard, State Street, Fidelity
- Bio-Tech Crypto Engineers: IOT Final Inch
- Role in Riots, Covert Wars, and Opportunity Zones
- U.S. Adjustments Now $96 Trillion; $21 Trillion Undocumentable Through 2015
B. FASAB 56 & Secret Operations and Flows
C. Sovereign Stimulus and Tax Policy
D. Shutdown of Independent Economy and Income
E. Controlled Demolitions
- WHO & the Medical Cartel Engineer Global Coup
- Pension Funds
- Entitlements
- Bankruptcies
- Piratization and Disaster Capitalism via Thermal & Weather Warfare
- Disintermediation in Retail
- Farmageddon
- Phoenix Programs, Cultural Revolutions, Color Revolutions
- School, Mass Shootings and Covert Operations – Marketing for Gun Control and Domestic Terrorism Bill
F. Extending Dollar
- Is Re-shoring to North America Happening?
- Robotics, Drones, Genetics, and Automation
- Explosion in Material Science
- Surveillance Capitalism
- Amazon, Microsoft, Israel, and the Reengineering of the U.S. Government
- Global Purges
- The SPACs and Engineered Bubbles
- Will Breakthrough Energy Technologies Come Through?
- Investment Flows into the Space-Based Economy
- The new SDR authorization for IMF; Climate Change and Green Pork
- The Inflation-Deflation Dance
II. The Fed Buys the U.S. (and the World)
A. Currency, Liquidity, and Trade Wars
- U.S. Dollar Index; Emerging Markets Dollar Bear Trap
- War on Cash
- Crypto & Creepy Tech – the End of Currencies
- Precious Metals
- U.S.-China Trade War
- De-Dollarization: China, Russia, and the Build-out of Global Liquidity
- Increased Sanctions, FACTA, and Alternative to SWIFT System
- War on Ukraine; Proxy War with Russia and China
- Pipeline Warfare
- Fed, BoE, BoJ, ECB: Interest Rate and Bond Squeeze
B. The Debt Growth Model—Weaponized as Central Bank Dependency Increases
- The Going Direct Reset
- Emergency Stimulus
- Bonds and Interest Rates
- Equity Public and Private
- Commodities
- U.S. Dollar
- U.S. Budget: Military Expense, Disaster Recovery, and Retirement
- U.S. Debt and Interest Payments Accelerating
- Quantitative Easing: Will Fed Taper? Interest Rate Raises
- Global Central Bank Interest Rate Raises
- Demand for Capital: Treasury Markets and Corporate Maturities
- NDI Waiver, FASAB 56, and no Mark to Market: Stock and Bond Markets Go Dark
C. Private Equity Grows Globally
D. Central Bankers Assert Control Throughout G7/G20
III. The End of the Petro Dollar
A. Invasion of Ukraine and Russian Sanctions
- U.S. Freezing Russian Reserves
- Swift and Swift Alternatives
- Russia Requires Ruble Payments
- U.S. Destroys Russian Equity Holdings
- U.S. Corporations Withdraw
- U.S. Moves to Institute Global Seizure Program
B. Saudi Arabia and Commodity Producers Reorganize
- Will the South break from the U.S.
- U.S. Military Spread Around the Globe
- China accuses U.S. of moving NATO into Asia
C. Partition of Global Oil Markets
IV. Real Asset Inflation & Planet Equity
A. Centralization of Economic Ownership and Control
- Inflation and Deflation
- ESG, SDGs, and Climate Change Control
- Land Rush: Farmland, Real Estate, and Water Ownership
- Attack on the Netherlands Farmer
- The Foreclosure and Eviction Pipeline
- Equity Public and Private; IPOs and SPACs
- Commodities
- State and Local Finances
- U.S. Bear Trap in Emerging Markets
- Mortgage Fraud and “Natural Disasters”
- Growth of ESG Screening and Controversy
- Technocracy: Allocation with AI, without Markets and a Real Pricing Mechanism
- FASAB 56—The Cost of Secrecy
- FASAB 56—Will Investors Play?
- “Health Passports, “Green Passports,” and “Health Mandates” – Implementing central spatial, labor and financial control
- The Impact of the Great Poisoning on Labor and Labor Prices
B. Financial Controls
C. Tax Wars and Offshore Havens
D. Impact of Environmental Risks and Debasement
E. Student Loans and Consumer Debt
F. Housing Markets and Bubbles
G. How Will Taxpayers Handle the Transition?
- Return on Investment to Taxpayers Goes More Negative
- Response to Missing Money: DOD Audit, FASAB Policy, DOD Takes Budgets Secret
- Piratization & Disaster Capitalism: Will the Rape of Russia Happen in the West?
- A Domestic Operation Gladio and Phoenix Program + AI Invasion?
- Weather Warfare, Fires, and False Flags
- Equity Creation: Could Breakthrough Energy Create Equity Greater than Controlled Demolitions?
- Addictions to War, Secrecy, and Privilege
- Global Slowdown + Peak Everything
- The Rush to Control Real Assets
- Taxation without Representation
V. The IOT Gold Rush
A.Technocracy Rising
B. JEDI Contract War on Cash
C. Surveillance Capitalism
D. Satellite, Tower, and 5G Build-out; Smart Grid Build-out
E. Is Climate Change the Marketing for the Smart Control Grid?
F. Climate Change Promotion: ESG, Investment, Central Banks, Government Budgets, and Regulation
G. Electrical Control Grid: Permit Implementation of CBDC, Vaccine ID Passports, and Breakthrough Energy
VI. Crypto & The Mark of the Beast (MOTB)
A. Integrating Nanotechnology, Transhumanism to Replace Currency and Parts of Financial System
B. Integration of Vaccines with Finance
C. Poster Children for MOTB: Musk and Gates
D. Who will Issue? Government, Central Banks, Corporations, or Private Networks?
E. Who Will Do the Customer Service? The Future of Private Community Banks and Credit Unions
F. Organized Crime: Legalization or Covert Central Bank Systems?
G. Coins and Cash Get Fashionable
I. U.S.-China Trade Rebalancing
A. Eurasia and the Silk Road: Will the Covert War Turn Overt?
B. Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the South China Sea
C. The War in the South China Sea; the Quad
D. Trade Agreements
E. Critical Industries: Drugs, Food, Manufacturing
F. Will the Internet Split?
G. Economic and Political Sanctions
H. Preparations for War
I. Huawei and the 5G Competition
J. China Currency and Debt Management
K. Space Race, Mutual G20, and BRICS Relations
L. Australia Joins the Nuclear Club
M. Israel’s Role, Cybersecurity Industry, Wars, and Prosecution of Netanyahu
N. China Real Men vs. West “Woke”
O. Australian and European Elections
P. Australia and New Zealand: The Squeeze Between U.S. and China
II. The Shift to a Multiplanetary Multipolar World
A. Technocracy: Will Technology Continue to Centralize Control in a Multipolar World?
B. Africa: Resource Rush
C. The U.S. Post-2020 Election
D. United Nations: Agenda 2030, Targeting of U.S. Military Personnel
E. Latin America and the War to Control Venezuela and Cuba
F. Vatican Struggles
G. Europe: The Future of the EU; NATO Expansion & Russia Encirclement
H. Global Pushback of the Producing/Productive People
I. Anglo-American Alliance: Post-Brexit, the Commonwealth Evolves
J. China and Russia Shift Positions in the Middle East as U.S. Pulls Out
K. Israel: The Global Networks of Organized Crime
L. Hot Spots
M. U.S. Plays the Oil Card
N. Global Powwows
O. Migration and Immigration
P. Transnational Organized Crime
- The Americas
- Asia
- Europe and Africa
Q. Off-Planet Investment and Trade
R. Antarctica and Underground Investment
III. Human Capital: The Push for Slavery
A. The AI & Mind Control Invasion
- Growth of AI: AI Superpowers Face Off
- Net Neutrality
- 5G and Surveillance
- Piratization of Government and Central Banks
- AI and the Sheriff of Nottingham
- U.S.: 330 Million Targeted Individuals Divided into Two Groups
- Free Speech and Corporate and Social Media Meltdown
B. The Great Poisoning Weakens Population
C. Pushback
- Military and veterans
- Truckers
- Small business
- Doctors, nurses, and health care
- Parents
D. U.S. Elections & Sovereignty
- Budget, FASAB 56 Missing Money; Debt Acceleration
- Federal Reserve and Financial System
- Space Force
- Military Modernization/Defense
- Swamp Drama
- Justice Post-Election
- Trade, Tariffs, and Sanctions
- The Ziocon Problem
- The Loony Progressive Problem, Plandemic, and Modern Monetary Theory
- The Deep State and National Security Public-Private Control
- The Breakaway Civilization
- The Big Investment Pools and Investors
- FASAB 56: Secret Money for Secret Armies
- The Cost of Monopoly
- The 2022 Election
- Push for Piratization
- JEDI, Navy, and CIA Cloud Contracts
- Social Security and Retirement
- Global Brand Deterioration
- Push for UBI and Digital Wallets
- Disaster Capitalism
- Municipal Budget and Staff Reengineering
- Municipal Bankruptcy
E. NWO & Engineering Inequality
- Access to Resources
- Life Expectancy
- Transhumanism
- Shutdown of Small Enterprise and Independent Income
- Promotion of Slavery, Human Trafficking, and Pedophilia
- Efforts to Shred Constitution and Laws
- Targeting of Faith and the Sacred
- Propaganda and Mind Control
- Is a Genocide and/or DNA Control Plan Underway?
- Human Impact Bonds and the Poverty Growth and Management Scam
- Proposals for Universal Basic Income
IV. The Chances of War
A. Cybersecurity
B. Hot Spots
C. Nuclear Proliferation
D. Weather Warfare
E. The UFO Disinformation Op – Again!
F. Engineering of Civil War
G. Lockdowns: Restricted Free-Range Prison Camps
I. The War on God
A. Food for the Soul
B. A Commitment to Transparency/Increase in Propaganda and Suppression of Intelligence
C. The Commitment to a Human Culture
II. Mind Control and Sovereignty
A. The Weaponization of Q, Jan. 6, Domestic Terrorism, Mental Health, Divide & Conquer Tactics, and Trigger Words
B. Growing Appreciation for Mind Control Technology and Tactics
C. Disinformation Watch: mRNA modified hangout, Mass Formation, Bizarro World, Asian Elders, QFS +
D. The Role of Psychopathy
III. Media and Propaganda
IV. Financial Debasement Creates Cultural Debasement
V. Living Model: Morphogenic Fields, Biophysics, and Consciousness
VI. Divide and Conquer & the Weaponization of People
A. Use Group Rights to Market Tyranny
B. Strategy and Tactics: The Parallel with Bolshevism
C. The Hopelessness Op; “I am not important”
VII. Deep Survival: Embracing Complexity and Uncertainty
VIII. Children & Education
A. Deterioration of Parental Rights
B. Deterioration of School Curricula
C. Educational Institutions Promote/Mandate Poisoning of Children
- mRNA gene therapy, Controlled II substances, GMO foods
VIII. The Great Poisoning
A. Chemical and Biowarfare Investment: Ukraine and Global Biolabs
B. Environmental Pollution
C. Pharmaceutical
D. Geoengineering
E. Involuntary Sterility
F. Agriculture
G. Deterioration in Personal Responsibility and Habits
H. Literacy
I . Mind Control
IX. Additional Risk Issues
A. Transhumanism & Nanotechnology
B. Immigration
C. Constitution, the Rule of Law, Free Speech, and Due Process
D. The Cost of Secrecy
I. AI and Quantum Computing
A. The Cloud Rush
B. Quantum Navigation
II. Cybersecurity
A. Blockchain
B. Data Laws and Regulation
C. Cyberwarfare Infrastructure
D. Ransomware Hacking: Who’s Next?
E. Surveillance
III. Robots and Robotics
A. Enforcement Functions
B. Drones and Satellites
IV. Biotech, Genetics, and Superhumans
A. Bizarro World: Virtual children, incubator wombs
B. Brain-machine interface
V. Environmental Applications
VI. Advanced and Invisible Weaponry
A. Disaster Capitalism/Shock Doctrine
B. Weather Warfare
C. Autonomous Weapons
- Club-K Missile System
VII. CERN and Particle Accelerators
VIII. Space
A. Space-Based Economy
B. China, Russia, and U.S. Space Deals
C. U.S. Space Corp and Conversion of Space to War-Fighting Domain
D. Impact of Increased U.S. Appropriations
E. Asian Space Race
F. UFOS and Abductions: Pentagon UFO Disclosure
G. Underground Base System
H. The Moon & Orbital Platform: Who Controls the High Ground?
I. Growth of Satellites and Space Junk
IX. The Future of Energy
A. Drop in Renewable Prices
B. Drop in Oil Prices
C. Fusion
D. Hydrogen Cars: Water as Fuel
E. Oil Card Warfare
F. Breakthrough Energy and Space
G. The Russia Card
H. Nuclear
I. The Climate Change Op
I. Health Freedom
A. Food and Water, Lab-Grown Food; Synthetic Meat, Secret Ingredients
B. Transhumanism and the Final Inch: The Injection Fraud, Toxins, and Chipping, Skidmore Survey, Dangers of mRNA technology, Monkeypox and HIV Fraud coming?
C. 5G and EMF Radiation
D. Quantum Biology, Sunshine, and Oxygen
E. Nanoparticles and Smart Dust
F. The Great Poisoning and Human Experimentation
G. 1986 Vaccine Act, PREP Act, and Contact Tracing
H. Bar Associations, ALEC, and Other Groups
I. Litigation
J. Disaster Capitalism Targeting Agriculture: Plagues and Chemical, Biological, and Weather Warfare
K. Mandates and “Passports”
L. Ukraine and Global Biolabs
I. Take Action, Begin Anywhere, Coming Clean
II. Local Food & Water Systems
III. Local Finance: Local Currencies, Local Venture Capital, Local Traded Equities, and Crowdfunding
I. The Governance Mystery
A. Who Is Mr. Global?
B. Where Is the $21 Trillion (and Financial Coup Proceeds)?
C. What Is FASAB 56 Permitting: Private Armies? Radical Reengineering of U.S.?
D. What Are Mr. Global’s Goals? How Will Going Direct Work? How Will it End?
E. Plandemic: Covert War, the End of Currency, Cut & Run, Biowarfare, a Bad Flu, or All Combined?
II. 9/11, Fires, Weather Warfare, False Flags, and Disaster Capitalism
III. Antarctica
IV. Interdimensionality and Time Travel
V. The Exponential Growth of the Knowledge Curve
VI. Geophysical Risks
VII. I’m a Pond Frog – How do I Learn to Swim in the Ocean?
I. Take Action Crowdfund
II. Solari Heroes
III. Food for the Soul